Jumaat, 12 September 2008

kibum suju


MIA Super Junior Member, Ki Bum Starts Shooting New Drama, “Deep Rooted Tree”

Similar to Siwon, Ki Bum is actively pursuing his acting activities.  The only difference is that Siwon makes it a point to participate in Super Junior promotional activities while preparing for his new drama, Poseidon.  Perhaps Ki Bum has his reasons for not multitasking, but I can’t help but to compare him against Siwon, especially because these two are Super Junior’s designated eye candies and are pursuing serious acting careers.  And Siwon definitely wins brownie points for being hot, ambitious and loyal, to his members and fans.
With SBS’s “Deep Rooted Tree” scheduled for September 29th, KBS’s “Poseidon” scheduled for September 19, in addition with Mr. Simple activities with the remaining Super Junior members, it looks like we will get enough of these idol boys, whether we like it or not.
Pictures of the MIA member Ki Bum from Sure magazine photoshoot for your viewing pleasure.